Jerry Nolan is an entrepreneur. He moved to Florida because he saw an opportunity to help businesses prepare and recover from disasters. They plan for any interruption to business operations, which could be man-made or weather-related. Recently, Jerry was looking for an apartment to rent and he says it was an eye-opener. The complexes he applied to had exorbitant fees for applications. For example, the Broward complex charged $100 per person for a criminal and credit check. They also wanted to charge anywhere from $100 up to $550 for an administrative processing fee. After paying the complex $550 to apply, Jerry says they gave him a list of requirements, most of them financial, including three years of back income tax returns. Jerry explained that as a new company owner, he didn't have three years of income from his business. The complex also wanted access to his bank account information and retirement account information, which Jerry refused to provide. Three weeks later, they turned him down and kept his $550 application fee. Jerry then applied to another complex, paid $550 again, and was rejected a few days later. The second company rejected him due to false information provided by the background check company they used. Despite the acknowledgment of the inaccurate information, the complex still refused to return Jerry's $550 fee. In the state of Florida, landlords can charge whatever fees they want, keep the money if you don't qualify or get rejected, and don't have to disclose the move-in requirements until after the application fee is paid. Jerry believes there should be a cap on these fees to protect renters. The first complex he applied to is owned by a South Carolina company, and Jerry has filed a complaint.
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Florida rental application fee laws Form: What You Should Know
For all contract clauses, DEAR or FAR, the Matrix is for all contracting units in the contracting government agency. The matrix is to all departments, bureaus, and agencies within the contracting agency. For all contracts, DEAR or FAR, you may utilize any of the three matrix to assist in the planning process with your contractor. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) FAR Smart Matrix | Acquisition.GOV The FAR Smart Matrix provides guidance on the use of all provisions and clauses contained in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Defense Federal FAR Smart Matrix Table. NID, Provision or Clause, Prescribed In URI, Prescribed In, P or C. 31760, 52.202-1 Definitions. Subpart 52.3 — Provision and Clause Matrix — Acquisition.GOV DEARS Matrix Tool | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory DEARS Matrix Tool: a tool consisting of a matrix of provision and clause text for all Department of Defense and Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR/ FAR 52.202-1) including: Federal Government Standard Contract Clause and Provisions that Prohibit a Party to a Contract from Using a Contracting Official to Obtain Unpaid Consultant Fee. State, Local, and Tribal Government Contracts. Other Contracts. DEARS Matrix Tool | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory DEARS Matrix Tool: a tool consisting of a matrix of provision and clause text for all Department of Defense and Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR/ FAR 52.202-1) including: Federal Government Standard Contract Clause and Provisions that Prohibit a Party to a Contract from using a Contracting Official to Obtain Unpaid Consultant Fee. State, Local, and Tribal Government Contracts. Other Contracts. DEARS Matrix Tool | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory DEARS Matrix Tool: a tool consisting of a matrix of provision and clause text for all Department of Defense and Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR/ FAR 52.202-1) including: Federal Government Standard Contract Clause and Provisions that Prohibit a Party to a Contract from using a Contracting Official to Obtain Unpaid Consultant Fee. State, Local, and Tribal Government Contracts. Other Contracts. DEARS Matrix Tool | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory DEARS Matrix Tool: a tool consisting of a matrix of provision and clause text for all Departments, bureaus, and agencies within the contracting agency.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Florida rental application fee laws