Hi everyone, this is Peter Harris from Commercial Property Advisors. I am also the co-author of the book "Commercial Real Estate Investing for Dummies" and a coach and mentor to many commercial investors across America. The subject of today's video is the master lease agreement for commercial real estate. The master lease agreement is one of my favorite ways to buy commercial real estate, especially if you have no experience, credit or a small down payment, and if you don't want to deal with banks. It works with various types of commercial properties such as apartments, office buildings, strip centers, mobile home parks, and self-storage facilities. Essentially, it can work with any commercial property where there is income involved. One of the most famous examples of a master lease agreement is the Empire State Building in New York. The original owner sold it to Prudential Insurance Company, and in 1961, another investor offered Prudential a 114-year master lease agreement, paying them $2 million per year. Over time, the income from the building increased to $6 million per year, while the lease payment remained at $2 million. This resulted in a profit of $4 million per year. This agreement is still active today. Now, I know what you might be thinking. You might be saying, "I can't possibly secure a national lease on a building like that." And you're probably right. However, what's stopping you from using a master lease agreement on a smaller property, such as a 12-unit apartment building, a small strip center, or even a mobile home park? My student, Prod, used a master lease agreement to secure his first deal, which was a 168-unit apartment building. So, here's how the master lease agreement works. You would buy the property from the owner with a small or zero down payment....
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Florida Residential Lease Agreement 2025 Form: What You Should Know
Many lease agreements are the same or closely similar to the following: In addition to providing a summary of each party's obligations under the lease, lease agreements help prevent misunderstandings. A tenant has to understand the landlord's agreement with the tenant before a tenant enters into a rental agreement. The Florida Lease Agreement Generator produces the lease agreement template to help landlords to create a valid lease agreement for a property. The template includes a summary of all required documents for a Florida rental lease. It includes a summary of a property's condition, rights and obligations, a description of the terms of the lease. All that is needed to send an form to Florida's Department of Management Services is the form number of the Florida lease agreement generator, a paper copy of the relevant Florida landlord-tenant agreement (see link to the top of the page), and a completed online form. Download and Printable Florida Lease Agreement Generator Form (9) Filing and Filing Complaint — Florida DEP't of Manage Filing a Florida Complaint — Office of the Secretary of State If the tenant vacates the property more than 30 days after a Notice was sent to the tenant or the Florida Department of Management Services issues a Notice to Quit, the Florida Department of Management Services may bring a case against the tenant in the Superior Court. In Florida, the landlord/tenant relationship is established by both parties agreeing on a “Rent and Use Agreement” in form and substance, called a lease, and signing and entering into it voluntarily. The lease is the legal document that sets out the rental terms, the rights, and obligations of both parties. The lease does not have to be an English language lease. The most common Florida leasing scenarios are: • “Lease to Run”: a lease that extends for at least 10 years and is renewed at the prescribed rate for that term. • Lease for Tenancy in Common: leases whereby the parties share the use and possession of the rental premises, and the only common property is the walls and ceiling. • Lease for Occupancy: leases whereby there are limited exceptions for temporary or seasonal use, such as vacations or conventions. • Lease for Personal Property: a lease whereby the property being leased is subject to the possession and control of the tenant.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Florida Residential Lease Agreement 2025