Okay, thank you for joining me this morning. Today, we are going to be going over listing agreements. The various formats of the listing agreement itself. Florida Realtors has pre-approved and standardized a few different formats of the listing agreement that we can go ahead and use both for sale and for rental listings. We will start on these sale listings itself and kind of go through writing one and some of the major clauses that will be important to have a good working knowledge of when you're going through these forms and documents with your customer. So, initially, we'll start off with what I consider to be the most standard version of the sale listing agreement. Which you would find under either Form Simplicity, Transaction Desk dot Loop, or our Paperless Pipeline system as the exclusive right of sale listing agreement transaction broker. Keep in mind that we all start off as transaction brokers in every transaction, so it's something that this is by default what you would be utilizing. You would use a different format for different types of scenarios, where you are using, for example, a single agent relationship. Or if you are utilizing a single agent and transitioning over to a transaction broker, it's being recorded. So, starting off at the top, the listing agreement itself. First, we'll input the seller's name at the top of the page, which is the same for every transaction. If you are pulling your information from Form Simplicity or Transaction Desk or dot Loop, for that matter, the seller's name should automatically be populating from the tax records. So, it's something that you won't really have to type in, it should auto-populate for you depending on where you're writing the agreement itself. The broker, keep in mind, is the name of the...
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Lease Agreement Florida Form: What You Should Know
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